1. Remote Registry to enumerate the logged on users?
    1. Original Idea
  2. Project
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Remote Registry to enumerate the logged on users?

During red team operations we, more time than not, are targeting the Active Directory. We have all been in the situation that we quickly want to check wether or not users are connected/logged in to certain devices, for let’s say dumping their credentials if they are. Some tools already help us with that, for example Bloodhound/Sharphound does session enumeration using:

And however it is quite easy to just run Sharphound or Bloodhound.py, it might be the case that we cannot open a socks proxy or just run a .NET assembly in memory without being detected. So how to fix this? Well I tried writing a quick a dirty Cobalt Strike BOF to help us with just that.

Original Idea

So a while back I saw this tweet from @Geiseric4:

He tweeted about a python script that does just what we want to accomplish with our BOF:


So we want to create a BOF that will check if the remote registry is running, if it is not running - start it, enumerate SIDs from a registry subkey that is readable for all users and convert the SIDs to usernames using the LSA.

WIP - BOF almost ready Cobalt Strike - GetLoggedOn BOF
